Dieser letzte Blogupdate für 2014 sollte eigentlich zwei-teilig sein. Der letzte Teil unserer Reise von Malfatano nach “Hause” in die Marina di Ragusa zu Beginn. Der zweite Teil über unsere Ausflüge in Sizillien bis zum Jahresende. So haben wir beides zusammengefasst mit viel Fotomaterial und ein wenig Text.
Helen: this is the last blog update for 2014 which we have written in 2 parts – part 1 covers the journey from Malfatano to our winter berth in Marina di Ragusa (MdR); part 2 covers our trips around W and N Sicily. You’ll notice a change in style with many more pictures and less detailed text. That’s a relief!
So let’s get going … on September 5th we left the lovely Malfatano in Sardinia and headed for Tunisia. A good crossing with no surprises. After settling in the marina, we decided to visit another part of Tunisia and decided for direction Tunis. To help get about as well as ensure we take in the key sights we engaged the help of Mohammed who looked after us well – we visited the Bardo Musuem near Tunis, Cartago and Sidi Bou-Said. Fascinating. So much history, great artefacts to see, beautiful buildings – the photos below do not justice but will hopefully give you a flavour of what can be discovered. The weather was hot but not too much, few tourists, so easy to get around. Thanks Mohammed.
Am 5. September verliessen wir das schöne Malfatano auf Sardinien und nahmen Kurs auf Tunesien wo wir am nächsten Morgen eintrafen. Es folgte ein schöner Ausflug mit Mohammed nach Tunis ins Bardo-Museum und nach Cartago sowie Sidi Bou-Said.
Nachdem wir 510 Liter Diesel zu €0.66/l gebunkert hatten, verliessen wir Port Yasmine am 13. September Richtung Malta wieder. Südlich von Pantelleria empfingen wir eine Distress-Meldung (Relay) aus dem Grenzbereich Lybien/Tunesien ca. 200 Meilen südlich unserer Position. Am nächsten Tag erfuhren wir, dass von 235 Seelen an Bord 200 ertrunken waren auf dem Weg nach Lampedusa. So schön die hohe See auch sein kann, genau so grausam kann sie innerhalb von Stunden werden.
Wir klarierten in der kleinen aber effizienten Mgarr Marina auf Gozo ein. Zur selben Zeit drehten Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie ihren neuen Film auf der Insel. Wir segelten an ihrem Zeltlager vorbei und erspähten gar ein Spezialschiff mit montierten Kameras.
Es folgten nun herrliche Tage auf Malta, Comino und Gozo sowie ein Wiedersehen mit unseren Freunden aus Marina di Ragusa. Neben ein paar Stürmen mit heftiger See gab es zwei herrliche Tauchgänge mit Kevin in der Paradise Bay. Ein herrlicher Saison-Abschluss!
Helen: after a lovely stay in Tunisia, and naturally tanked up Dakini with good quality, cheap diesel (Euro 0.66 per liter) – skipper Marcello a happy man – we left for Malta inclusive 2 nights sailing. We have read so much about the poor plight of boat people and were saddened to hear a distress call from a boat near the Libya/Tunisian border 200 miles away from Dakini. Over 235 on board inclusive women and children. Nothing we could do. Then to read later that 200 had drowned and did not reach Lampedusa. So tragic.
We arrived at our destination and followed the advice from Brett (yacht Amble) to check in via Mgarr on Gozo. Lovely marina, folk very friendly, helpful. Process nice and easy, which made it even better. Decided to stay overnight to take the opportunity to go shopping and a tour around the island (not so easy from anchorages) – see the photos below.
Great fun to catch up with friends around Gozo and Malta. First Roy with his daughter Sophie – hope you will visit again soon Sophie; then Roy & Jessica, Kevin & Bev, Jane & Brett Marteen & Marojlein. Fun time together with many laughs.
It has been two months since Marcel has been scuba diving in Sardinia. As I had problems with my back this summer I decided to pass. Luckily Kevin was up for a few dives and so the guys teamed up – the water was warm even though it was October with some interesting wrecks to explore. Another time for Helen …
Helen: October 14th and it’s the end of our sailing season 2014. Sad … but good news my sister Cathy is coming to visit. A great week together, relaxing on board Dakini, going for strolls along the beach, visiting local places, good natter. All too soon Cathy’s visit is over but has promised to come again in the spring. It’s a deal!
Am 14. Oktober ging unsere Segelsaison offiziell in der Marina di Ragusa zu Ende. Aber schon eine Woche später folgte der Besuch von Cathy, die Schwester von Helen, an Bord von Dakini.
Aufgrund der musikalischen Aktivitäten im letzten Jahr ergaben sich kein grossen Ausflugsmöglichkeiten auf Sizillien. Das wollten wir nun ändern und beschlossen mit unseren Bootsnachbarn aus Australien eine vier-tägige Tour der Küste entlang über Licata, Agrigento, Trapani, Erice und Palermo zu unternehmen. Es folgten lustige vier Tage mit Campbell & Debbie, Jeff & Sandy, sowie Brett am Schluss.
Helen: the beauty about our travels is the chance to meet new people and develop friendships. No exception this year on pier I home to 2 new catamarans owned by Campbell & Debbie, Geoff & Sandra. Curious to see the lovely island of Sicily, we teamed up together (sadly due to commitments Brett could only join us in Palermo), hired cars, Debbie kindly organised accommodation and headed for Licata, Agrigento, Trapani, Erice (the highlight) and Palermo. Boy what fun for Geoff and Helen respective drivers of the 2 hire cars – despite what is coming at you from left and right keep going; stop and it’s a nightmare to get into the flow again. We survived nonetheless with no bumps or scrapes on either car – hooray!In the evenings we teamed up (men vs women) at Brandidog and yes, the women won! Strange how Marcel didn’t mention it in his write-up …
Bevor es nun nach England und in die Schweiz für die Festtage ging, noch ein kurzer Ausflug mit Miss Lilly (Kevin und Bev) ins hübsche Noto.
Helen: unfortunately Kevin & Bev did not join us in our travels around Sicily, so it was lovely to visit Noto together before the hire car had to be returned. As you can see from the photos below a lovely, sunny day, a very picturesque town, interesting buildings, architecture. A fitting end to 2014. Back to Dakini for a raclette and a great finish to the day.
Soon on December 22nd it’s time to fly to Manchester to stay with Cathy & John at their home in Saddleworth, celebrate Christmas and New Year together. Alex and Liz are flying in from Switzerland. It’s been over 18 years since we have celebrated the festive season together …. going to be fun, fun, fun.
Wishing all our friends and family a relaxing, happy festive season. Take good care of yourselves, wish you good health in 2105. See you soon.
Hier gehts weiter zu noch mehr Fotos:
More photos you will find here:
Picasa-Album "Von Malfatano nach Marina di Ragusa (2014)"